Hello there!
This week we began a 6-week study of the book of Jonah. (If you were absent, click here to watch the sermon back--you won’t want to miss it!)
In 2025, we want to focus in on finding purpose. Lent is a season of self-examination and our need for God’s redemption. The story of Jonah invites us to consider God’s mission to redeem all of creation, and what hinders us from participating in that mission.
Jonah is a tough book to read sometimes. It can be a little like holding up a mirror of our own flaws. Particularly in this season of Lent, we want to encourage you to not only engage with this message on Sundays, but to take it with you throughout the week. With that in mind, here are some resources we’ve curated for you based on the Scripture passage we read and the message from Sunday. (And be sure to stick around til the end for some *bonus content*!)
Important note! Because this was an introductory sermon, and because the book of Jonah is relatively short, Pastor Susan read the entire book of Jonah aloud for us on Sunday. Rather than put the entire text of the book here, we have chosen to include a link to the version that was read in service.
Bible Project video: If you want a brief overview of the book of Jonah, check out this video from our friends over at the Bible Project!
Bible Project podcast episode: For a deeper dive, listen to this podcast to hear what Tim Mackie and Jon Collins have to say on the book of Jonah!
Finally, here are some questions that you can use in your personal study to reflect on, whether in journaling, prayer, or conversation.
God wants every enemy to become family.
In light of that, what steps do you need to take today that join God’s mission of restoration, redemption, and renewal?
Is there anyone you need to forgive?
Is there anyone you need to reach out to or reconcile with?
Don’t worry about flawless action on your part. Just worry about obedience. It’s okay if you stumble your way through obedience to God.
Know that you are deeply loved and called to share that love with others. We hope to see you next week as we continue to learn and grow alongside you!
Grace and Peace,
Community Cup staff
P.S. If you were in service or watched back online, you would have heard a new song, Psalm 51, that is being introduced for the season of Lent. Since this song is not found on streaming platforms, here is a download of the audio! You can add it to your local Spotify or Apple Music playlists or listen through the Drive link.
Hi Allison. It was great to see you in attendance on the Zoom Immigrant Connection Call today. How are things progressing at CC regarding the possibility of an IC site launch. You can respond to me directly through my email SnellenbergerPaul@gmail.com. Blessings to you and your team!